

Gorgeous pink peonies!
I've fallen a little behind in updating my blog, these beauties were photographed in May just now getting them posted. I have been unsure about the blog for a while and trying to see if I will keep it going as there are now so many online platforms and social media. I keep coming back to the blog though because I love the format and it's a quieter space than all the other sites that have adds and news and so much chatter.  I had Instagram and after about 8 months deleted it, just not the format for me, had twitter for a couple years, deleted it also not for me. I have been enjoying listening to these two guys 'The Minimalists' on their pod casts ( < link to pod cast titled "stuff") and have been paring down alot in my life, already live quit simply and now with alot less clutter. Hope you all are enjoying your summer and a few peonies here to brighten your day :)

Winter Beach Reflections - Black and White Photography

  Pinnacle Gulch, just a short hike through a little valley with a creek below. Well worth the hike :)