
day at the beach - Northern California coast

our day at the beach yesterday :)
it was like summer, t-shirt and sandals weather, and no wind at all,
pretty unusual for the beaches here
before our hike ,
we spent a lot of time just looking at rocks and listening to the waves.


Garden harvest

all in a row

snippets of different harvests throughout the season

dragons tongue beans beets and radish

green tomatoes (Cherokee purples) and beets

acorn squash, winter squash and Asian cucumbers

strawberry leaves in the morning with dew on them

A few pictures from our garden this year .
We just ate the last fresh cucumber from the garden tonight with dinner, the nights are getting too cold to get any more. The green beans, collards and the Romanesco zucchini are still going though.

I was pretty random with most picture taking this summer ,
just had to get a few of the harvest shots throughout the season ,
too pretty to pass up.


The light is changing..

as the days get shorter
and the sun gets lower in the sky , moving south
for the winter


2011 Perpetual Calendar

I just got my 2011 calendars from the printer !
I've listed them in my shop here

Also, I've just launched my new snazzy portfolio website

and I'm going away this weekend with some friends to watch some world class Hula competitions for 2 days ,
so I hope to bring back lots of pretty photos :)
hope everyone has a wonderful weekend !!

Winter Beach Reflections - Black and White Photography

  Pinnacle Gulch, just a short hike through a little valley with a creek below. Well worth the hike :)